Branch Services to Members

Ever wonder what services your Saskatoon Branch board undertakes in service to its members?  

Direct Service to Members

  • The branch website is updated with timely information on many topics, including the branch organization (by-laws, board roles and committee descriptions), details about up-coming branch events, information on community partners, and information on up-coming elections (as needed).  In addition, the Facebook page is consistently updated with information on local organizations that focus on issues of interest to seniors, details with respect to community events and branch events of interest to seniors, member engagement posts, as well as branch contact options.
  • The branch organizes in-person events throughout the year.  These range from events with a keynote speaker discussing topics of interest to members to our less formal events, such as the summer BBQ.  In addition, the branch hosts virtual events on topics relevant to members, including information sessions hosted by our preferred partners.
  • The branch communicates with members through every edition of SAGE magazine with a 4-page branch insert.  We also regularly monitor the branch e-mail for member questions/feedback and provide timely response to specific questions/concerns. In addition, we send branch emails to keep members updated about events and other important initiatives, such as advocacy or changes to member benefits.
  • In order to make sure the branch is providing the services members want and expect, we engage members every two or three years with a survey in order to capture members’ concerns and ideas.

Indirect Services

  • On behalf of members, board members attend Association national members meetings, district meetings and regional meetings as well as meetings with partners (ie, Saskatoon Council on Aging, the Saskatchewan Seniors’ Mechanism).
  • We meet with MPs and MLAs in order to discuss our advocacy priorities.
  • We make presentations to potential member at events sponsored by other groups such as employee unions/associations in an effort to recruit members.