2025 AGM and recruitment

AGM and recruitment event — Notice for nominations

March 17, 2025

As noted in bylaw 6.1 of the Prince George Branch bylaws, this message serves as our 45-day notice for nominations for board positions for our branch.

There are three director positions up for election by our members at the March 17, 2025, AGM. After election, they will be appointed to board positions. See 5.1.1 Composition for appointments to board positions. 

The Prince George Branch bylaws state the following:

Part V — Branch executive 

5.1 Branch directors must be valid members of the Association. If membership lapses or is terminated by either the member or the Association, the director immediately ceases to hold office.
5.1.1 Composition
The branch executive shall consist of at least three (3) and no more than seven (7) persons who shall be elected. These elected directors will appoint the following as officers of the branch executive: One president, one vice-president, one secretary one treasurer. The directors may appoint one person to hold the offices of both secretary and treasurer, and such person will be known as the secretary-treasurer.

Part VI — Nominations and elections

6.1 Nominations committee
The branch president shall, at least 45 days prior to the date of the branch annual meeting, appoint a chair of the nominations committee.
6.1.1 The chair of the nominations committee may select other branch members to serve on the committee.
6.1.2 The role of the nominations committee is to assist with the nomination and election of eligible branch members to available positions on the branch executive.
6.1.3 The nominations committee shall call for nomination of candidates for available positions and shall present to the branch annual meeting a list of eligible candidates for each available position.
6.2 Nominations from the floor
Branch members may make additional nominations from the floor at the branch annual meeting. If a member is absent when nominated, the nomination must be supported by a written statement from the nominee indicating the nominee’s willingness to serve.


6.4 Election and term of office
All members of the branch executive shall be elected at the branch annual meeting (BAM), for a term of two years. The term commences at the close of the annual meeting at which they are elected. Terms shall be staggered so that half the director positions come for election each year.

If you are interested in volunteering on our board, or know of a member who is interested, please email your nominations to Marilyn Hinton, nominations chair, at princegeorgebranch@federalretirees.ca.

If you have any questions regarding the nomination process, please contact Marilyn Hinton at the email noted above. If you have any questions regarding the duties for each position, please contact the branch at princegeorgebranch@federalretirees.ca or call the president, Deb Nilsen, at (250) 961-7745.