Meeting information

Black History Month

We hope you will join us on Wednesday, Feb. 19, to help us celebrate Black History Month.

Our speaker is Lezlie Harper, from Fort Erie, who owns and operates Niagara Bound Tours. Lezlie is a fifth generation Canadian who is descended from an enslaved ancestor. Lezlie conducts tours and speaks on the important Niagara connections to the underground railroad. Please look at the Niagara Bound website for further information.

Lunch will feature a salad, meat lasagna, dessert and coffee or tea.

If any members have allergies or food sensitivities, please advise us and we will do our best, with the hotel, to accommodate any dietary needs.

If you are not on a call list and wish to reserve a place for the lunch, please contact Laraine Spencer, director at large, by phone at (905) 994-3265 or by email at

Our branch is unique in that we meet once a month and have a speaker and a plated hot lunch. Let’s make this meeting a recruitment event to make sure our branch continues to grow and thrive. Bring an eligible friend or family member to the lunch.

Date: Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025

Location:  Holiday Inn and Suites, 327 Ontario St., St. Catharines

Cost: $28 for members and guests, cash at the door.

If you are on a call list and tell your caller you will attend and then don’t, the hotel obliges us to pay for your lunch. To avoid this, please advise us of any changes the Sunday before the lunch


11 a.m. — Doors open

11:30 a.m. to noon — Welcome and branch business

Noon to 1 p.m. — Lunch

1 p.m. to 2 p.m. — Speaker, Lezlie Harper

We look forward to seeing you!


The Niagara Peninsula Branch executive

Anita Gray, Linda Hume-Sastre, Barb Gahn, Anne Longval, Laraine Spencer and Romeo Daley