Event Details
lunch on the way to spring
Mar 12, 2025 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Restaurant Maman Fournier
3125 Boulevard Des Récollets
Trois-Rivières, Qc
G9A 6M1
Cost for Non Members
Alain Beaudoin
March 4,2025
MPORTANT: Please confirm your presence at this luncheon by March 4th at the latest by sending an email to the following address: activites.anrf.mauricie@gmail.com
We invite you to participate in large numbers. You have friends or family who are retired from the federal public service and are not members of the Association! This is a great opportunity to invite them to the lunches to introduce them to the Association.
Please note that unless there are special circumstances, the lunches are held alternately in Trois-Rivières and Shawinigan.
• 2-egg plate & choice of meat
• Ham and 3-cheese omelette
• Pancakes & syrup
All dishes are served with filter coffee
We look forward to seeing you there!
Your Section Council