Federal Retirees community guidelines

The National Association of Federal Retirees (Federal Retirees) is active across a number of online platforms , which we use to inform, educate and raise awareness of our advocacy work and to build an informed and engaged online community.

We ask that users treat each other with courtesy and respect at all times. By participating in the community, you agree to abide by these community guidelines.

Ground rules

The following activities and behaviours will not be tolerated:

  • Hateful, racist, sexist, homophobic, insulting, obscene or aggressive language.
  • Messages that contain name-calling, personal attacks or defamatory statements toward others, including staff, volunteers and community members.
  • Messages that are misleading or false. Federal Retirees does not support spreading misinformation.
  • Deliberate provocation of other community members, including trolling or flaming.
  • Messages that constitute spam, advertisements or solicitations.
  • Messages that contain or request personal or confidential information.
  • Messages that infringe on copyrights.
  • Messages posted by anonymous or robot accounts.


We value open discussions without interference. However, we reserve the right to moderate input that does not adhere to our guidelines and ban individuals who violate them. All comments and questions are individually reviewed by our team according to the order in which they were posted, and we address issues and inquiries that require follow-up as soon as we can.


The National Association of Federal Retirees is an advocacy organization ; our priority is to spread awareness of our advocacy campaigns and help enact positive policy changes for our members. 

As a non-partisan association, Federal Retirees employees and volunteers regularly meet with members of Parliament from all political parties to ensure that the advocacy priorities of our organization are understood. These meetings do not constitute support for one party or politician over another. 

Though we are non-partisan, some of our commenters, supporters and followers are not. Respect opinions that are different than your own and be willing to disagree with other commenters in a manner that is positive and constructive.

Official languages

Federal Retirees’ national platforms are available in English and French. However, most organizations and media outlets do not publish articles in both official languages. When we share significant news and research with you, we strive to find translated or comparable articles in both English and French but, unfortunately, sometimes there are none to be found. In these cases, we will share the article on our feed but indicate that it is only available unilingually. We have no control over the news coverage of various media outlets, nor can we translate their work and put it up on our own website for copyright reasons. Importantly, any content that appears on our national news roll  is available in both French and English.

Partnerships and promotion

Federal Retirees occasionally partners with companies as part of the national Preferred Partners Program , for the purposes of offering discounts or other benefits to members. Federal Retirees may also partner with other like-minded organizations in order to collaborate to strengthen our advocacy efforts. These partnerships are always made clear in our content and are rigorously vetted.

Self-promotion on our platforms is not allowed. Our aim is to facilitate meaningful, thoughtful and helpful conversations, not to promote your product, service, blog or cause.

Parting thoughts

Like any community, the quality of our environment depends on the involvement of its members. You make a difference in shaping discussions and making the experience better for everyone.

If you have any concerns regarding content or behaviour on a Federal Retirees platform, please contact our communications team at communications@federalretirees.ca. We reserve the right to modify these guidelines according to our discretion at any time.

We can’t wait to hear what you have to say, and we’re grateful for your help in building a safe, respectful and supportive online community!

Last updated: May 30, 2024