
Welcome to the website of York Branch 

The York Branch website aims to keep members informed on branch activities; provide information on meeting schedules, branch advocacy and other areas of interest. Be sure to check back periodically for updates.


Branch President's Reports


Update Nov. 2024

Season changes, and thoughts turn to finding a warm place for the winter — be it a warmer climate or perhaps a warm fire place!

A person in uniform handing a person a card to a police officer

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Our fall Meeting (FMM) was held on Oct. 29 at the Aurora Legion. Unfortunately, all the board members at the meeting were very busy — so we don't have pictures of the event. The reduced size of the poster from the meeting tells the story of the presentation by York Region Police, which was well received.  York Branch was the victim of bank fraud last year, hence our continuing interest in safety, be it physical or financial.

The meeting turnout was fairly good — with a fair number via Zoom. We are still working on the technology for hybrid meetings — to ensure that everyone can hear and see. This is harder than one might think, and an ongoing project.

The FMM is intended to be more social than business, but there were still reports. Th Association is working on its organization and work plans (strategic plan). Federal Retirees is financially healthy and still growing, though not as much as desired, so recruitment campaigns. Our CEO is looking at reorganizing Head Office, and a committee is looking at other aspect — branches, how they are organized and vote at the Association’s Annual Meeting. A contractor is assessing our advocacy efforts. The thinking is that we should pay more attention to provincial advocacy, since several areas of interest are in their jurisdiction. At the FMM all that could be said is that this is happening. At that time (Oct. 29), the change of the dental plan was imminent — one hopes that this will be easier than for the healthpPlan! News from Federal Retirees national office is that the government has shown no interest yet in even talking about the PDSP, which is under its control and has no negotiating forum.

The need for volunteers to run or at least direct our organization is a continuing problem. Some of the vacancies on the national board have had to be filled by appointment, for lack of candidates to run — happily not the case of this year’s slot for an Ontario director. Good people were appointed, but this is not healthy for an organization. Branches too are suffering, including York Branch. Bylaws provide that the incumbent president may not continue, but obvious successors are thin on the ground.

A more important matter: elections are coming up, both federal and provincial. If the recent US election is any indication, change is in the wind. We need to make our priorities known to election candidates, whether as individuals or collectively on behalf of Federal Retirees as a whole.

NAFR York Branch

10225 Yonge St

Unit R116

Richmond Hill, ON 

L4C 3B2

e-mail: federalretirees.york@gmail.com

Website: federalretirees.ca/york



Web Content

We are constantly reviewing and updating our webpage hoping to make it friendlier and allow our readers to quickly search for information about the branch: its activities and the newest published items. Please check out the Latest Updates section to find the most current submission.

Frank Froude
Web Content Editor


York Branch (ON55)

10225 Yonge St
Unit R116
Toronto, ON
L4C 3B2

Branch Events