
Dear Chilliwack Branch members!

Hello, Chilliwack Branch members! I do hope you enjoyed our recent bout of great weather! I may have jumped the gun buying some plants because it has cooled down again! For those of you who enjoy gardening, Minters Chilliwack has the most colourful displays to enjoy! 

Your board is always busy behind the scenes, especially getting ready for the branch’s 2024 annual general meeting (AGM), to be held in April. There is much to be done with the financials for example and decisions around volunteer tasks. There is also the national annual meeting of members (AMM), to be held in June of 2024 in Gatineau, Quebec, where many important decisions will be made to benefit all members. 

I hope that issues regarding Canada Life have settled down for you now and you are happy with your responses. Please be aware that Canada Life will be taking over the dental plan from Sun Life in July 2024. 

We are expecting a provincial election in October of this year and there may be a chance to participate in a province-wide (details to be worked out) town hall via Zoom or another application. We will certainly stay on top of this as we spread the word of the Association’s four advocacy priorities: retirement income security, national seniors strategy, veteran well-being and pharmacare. 

We are always happy to accept new members and volunteers! We generally have two special events per year and call on people to help out as well as the always ongoing need for board members. 

Enjoy your summer and be well! 


Carol Kayser

National Public Service Week

June 9 to 14, 2024

This year, National Public Service Week takes place from June 9 to 14. On behalf of the Chilliwack Branch, it is my pleasure to acknowledge you and your fellow members as active and retired members of the public service of Canada. Your dedication to Canada and all Canadians is never forgotten! Whether serving a branch of the Canadian Armed Forces or the RCMP to the many people in federal offices making sure Canadians are taken care of when needed and keeping us safe, you have made a difference and it is much appreciated!

Helpful resources

British Columbia Recovery Benefit - application information package

On-line Home Owner Grant application

Deferring your property tax

Long term care services in BC

Continuing care fee regulation

ICBC Enhanced care - savings and refunds


Other useful Public Service benefit information for federal retirees:

Treasury Board - Retired Members of the Public Service Pension Plan

Pensioners Dental Services Plan (PDSP)

Public Service Health Care Plan

Chilliwack Branch (BC02)

PO Box 463
Chilliwack, BC
V2P 6J7
Branch Events