To reduce the spread of COVID-19, all travellers to Canada are required to provide contact and quarantine information.
Beginning Nov. 21, 2020, the Government of Canada has introduced new requirements under the Quarantine Act for all travellers, including Canadian citizens who are entering Canada. These measures, including screening at the border and mandatory quarantining for 14 days following arrival, are intended to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
If Canada is your final destination and you’re travelling by air, you’re now required to submit your travel information with the ArriveCAN app (available for free for iOS or Android devices in the AppStore or Google Play) or you can create an account and sign in online through the ArriveCAN website before departure. Be sure to have your ArriveCAN confirmation receipt ready for the border services officer. If you choose to submit your information through the ArriveCAN website, don’t forget to take a screenshot or print your confirmation.
The government is recommending that travellers arriving by land and sea submit their information through ArriveCAN as well to reduce delays at the border – just show your ArriveCAN confirmation receipt to the border services officer.
Whether you’re travelling by air, land or sea, all travellers are required to report daily after arrival. Within 48 hours of your entry in Canada, you must confirm that you've arrived at the address you provided in your quarantine plan by using ArriveCAN or by calling 1-833-641-0343 (toll-free). You’ll also need to complete daily COVID-19 symptom self-assessments until the end of your quarantine period.
For more information about ArriveCAN, the Government of Canada has put together a helpful website as well as a short video. For the latest updates related to the COVID-19 pandemic including travel restrictions, visit the Public Health Agency of Canada online.