Event Details
Monthly Breakfast
Our monthly breakfasts are scheduled on the second Tuesday of the month except for december and summer months.
An attendance prize of $10,00 and two free breakfasts will be awarded among the participants.
We hope to see many of you at theses activities.
Apr 8, 2025 08:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Restaurant Eggsquis
3143 Boul De Portland
Sherbrooke, Qc
Cost for Non Members
Each participant pay his own bill.
Open only to members and spouses
We launch a monthly reminder by internet or by telephone message to the members of the Sherbrooke area.
If you do not wish to receive these reminders, or if you prefer to receive them by e-mail, please let us know by calling our office (819-829-1403) or by e-mail us at the following address (anrf.cantons@gmail.com).
More details are available on our branch web site at the following address: