Event Details
Annual General Meeting
Where: Pavillon St-Arnaud (located in Parc Pie XII, near the Trois-Rivières roundabout). The entrance is on Gene-H.-Kruger Street.
Room: Maurice-Laurin
We will offer coffee starting at 9:00 a.m.
A cold buffet will be served following the meeting.
Members who wish to participate must register by sending an email confirming their presence to the following address: activites.anrf.mauricie@gmail.com
Activity - Recruitment: Do you know someone interested in joining our Association? Invite them to join us. Ms. Jacynthe Trudel, Membership Manager, will be there to answer their questions and help them complete the form.
Several attendance prizes will be drawn among the members present at the Meeting.
In order to speed up the meeting, all registered members will receive in advance the documents that will need to be approved at this AGM. This will allow you to ask your questions and get the answers. All members have received the agenda by email.
Support your Section Council by participating in this meeting!
Apr 9, 2025 09:30 AM to 03:00 PM
Pavillon St-Arnaud
2900 Mgr St-Arnaud
Trois-Rivières, Qc
G9A 5L2
Cost for Non Members
Alain Beaudoin
March 19,2025