Event Details
Annual Branch Meeting
Some of the agenda items to be addressed at the upcoming meeting will include: Reports of the Branch Directors, A report of our financial situation and future budget approval, Elections for the positions of: Treasurer, an additional Vice-President and Secretary in waiting A call for volunteers
May 7, 2025 10:30 AM to 01:30 PM
Royal Canadian Legion # 297
415 Second St W.
Cornwall, Ontario
K6J 1H1
Cost for Non Members
(343) 983-0505
April 29,2025
(payable at the door by cash (exact change please) or by cheque payable to: NAFR ON 54).
Light lunch
free parking
Please mark your calendars. This will be an ideal opportunity to connect with other members, and to provide comments and/or suggestions on subjects of interest to you. If you would like to stand for office, please visit our web page for further information at federalretirees.ca/cornwall and review the Board Position Description section.