Winter/Christmas General Meeting and Volunteer Appreciation Meeting
On Dec. 6, 250 members attended the branch Christmas Dinner and volunteer appreciation celebration, also celebrating 60 years for Federal retirees as an organization.

Branch also took the opportunity to honour the RCMP for 150 years of service to Canada. Inspector Carolin Respet, a long serving member of the force, joined us and brought greetings from the RCMP.
Volunteer appreciation
As is our normal practice at this event, we took time to pay respects to the many phoning committee members, who are instrumental in keeping in touch with the members who do not have email access. Without their work, many of our members would be unaware of Branch happenings.
Among the many volunteers, we paid special tribute to Mahir Mansi, a long serving Branch Board Member, who has retired after more than 20 years of service on the Branch Board of Directors. Mahir was presented with a King Charles III Coronation Medal in appreciation of his many years of service to the Board and to the Branch. As he will be continuing his membership, we look forward to seeing Mahir at future Branch events.
Edmonton's Rapid Fire Theatre Improv Team provided lively entertainment, with the help of a few eager participants.
The next branch event will be the Annual Members Meeting (AMM), May 1 , 2024.