Annual general meeting (AGM) and luncheon of the Vancouver Branch of the National Association of Federal Retirees

Please invite your Federal Retiree friends and former business associates who may be interested in joining our Association.

Date:   Tuesday, April 8, 2025
Time:  10:45 a.m. registration, 11:30 a.m. programme, 12:30 p.m. luncheon
Location: The Italian Cultural Centre (Trattoria Hall), 3075 Slocan St., Vancouver B.C.

Register here

This meeting will include election of officers, and approval of new branch bylaws.

Election — Call for nominations for any of the following positions:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Two directors

If you are considering running for election to any of these available positions, please contact the Vancouver Branch office at, or (604) 681-4742 and you will be put in touch with the chair of the nominations committee, Deb Turner. 

In addition, branch bylaw 6.2 states that branch members may make nominations from the floor at the meeting. If the nominee is not present in person, the nomination must be supported by a written statement from the nominee indicating the nominee’s willingness to serve.


Vancouver Branch — Draft Bylaw Amendment
Vancouver Branch Bylaws — Schedule of Changes
Vancouver Branch — 2024 AGM — Draft Minutes