Western Manitoba

Western Manitoba

Welcome to the Western Manitoba Branch website. You will find all the information you need on our branch activities, board of directors, financial statements, and upcoming events here, so please check back frequently.

Our branch membership is currently around 750 members, approximately 347 members reside in the Brandon area. Our branch has a large geographic area: from the U.S. border, Saskatchewan border to the west, and including Leaf Rapids to the north and including Crystal City, Mariapolis, Cypress River and Gladstone to the east. Membership in our branch is assigned automatically and is based upon the postal code at your residence.

We have a dedicated volunteer board of directors who help guide the branch operations.  The branch’s role includes keeping our members informed and engaged, supporting the association’s advocacy priorities, and administering sound financial management. Our board is made up of a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and directors-at-large, all of whom play important roles in the management of our branch.  We invite branch members, interested in maintaining our pensions and benefits as well as supporting Federal Retirees' advocacy priorities, to join the board. Our branch requires continued support going forward.

Email addresses continues to be the best mechanism to send timely news, invitations, and reminders to members, so, please ensure yours is up to date. Please contact the branch email westernmanitoba@federalretirees.ca. to make sure your contact details are current.

I invite you to become an active recruiter for our branch. Spread the word of membership being available to anyone receiving or paying into a federal pension plan including federal public service, the Canadian Armed Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and retired federally appointed judges. The association top priorities are to protect the hard-earned pensions and benefits of retired members (and those nearing retirement) and to support good policy that improves the lives of all Canadians in retirement.  Monthly rates are  $4.66 for a single and $6.05 for a double membership.


Wendy Jarvin, President

Please check out our Facebook Page.

Western Manitoba Branch (MB30)

National Association of Federal Retirees
Brandon, MB


Branch Events