Nova Scotia Central

Welcome to National Association of Federal Retirees, Nova Scotia Central Branch webpage. Here you will find information about our branch and our upcoming events. Now that you are here, I invite you to learn about Federal Retirees' advocacy priorities, strategic plan, history as well as our membership benefits (preferred partners).

As always, we continue to seek opportunities to promote the Association and recruit new members. Consider volunteering for our branch, it can be very rewarding. Send us an email to the address below letting us know that you are interested. Include your name and phone number so we can contact you. And, as always, I encourage you to bring eligible members to our events. The more members we have, the bigger our advocacy voice becomes.

Email addresses continue to be the best mechanism to send timely news, invitations and reminders to members, so, please ensure your email address is up-to-date.  And, if you have recently moved or are not receiving the Sage Magazine, please send your name, street address and phone number to the email address below.

As we do update our site, check back often for new information and coming events.

Finally, the Association and our branch would not exist without our members and the dedication of our volunteers. That said, I would like to acknowledge and thank the branch’s board members, office staff and other volunteers for their ongoing commitment and support.


Joe Arsenault
Branch president

Nova Scotia Central Branch (NS73)

102-238A Brownlow Avenue
Dartmouth, NS
B3B 2B4

(902) 463-1431

Branch Events