Federal budget 2024 is on the horizon and the National Association of Federal Retirees has eight recommendations to improve retirement security and health care.
The federal government is preparing its 2024 budget. This is your chance to share Federal Retirees’ priorities for 2024 and have your voice heard.
Federal Retirees has submitted a brief with recommendations for the 2024 federal budget. We’re also making it easy for you to send your own federal budget 2024 letter to reinforce our recommendations.
Our recommendations
Federal Retirees’ recommendations are clear: the 2024 federal budget is the time to improve retirement security and health care for Canadians.
- Recommendation 1: Protect the rights of older persons, commit to long-term care standards and a national seniors strategy
- Recommendation 2: Finance and implement pharmacare
- Recommendation 3: Support caregivers
- Recommendation 4: Take action on equitable outcomes for veterans
- Recommendation 5: Address Phoenix and repair retirees’ broken trust
- Recommendation 6: Expand PSP Investments’ Board to include a pensioner representative
- Recommendation 7: Address federal retiree benefits
- Recommendation 8: Take action on cost-of-living issues
Now, it’s your turn
This is your chance to advocate for better retirement security and health care in Canada, by reinforcing our recommendations for the 2024 federal budget. And we’re making it easy.
Join our call to action by sending a message to the federal government and your local member of Parliament using the tool below. Remember, more voices deliver a stronger message.