Canada Life has been named the new administrator of the Public Service Health Plan, but plan members will continue to send all claims to Sun Life until June 30, 2023.
The Government of Canada has awarded the contract to administer the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) to the Canada Life Assurance Company (Canada Life).
The new contract will come into effect July 1, 2023, following a transition period.
What does this mean for plan members?
Right now, it’s business as usual for plan members. Members will continue to send all claims and requests to Sun Life until June 30, 2023.
A new administrator will have no impact on pensioner contributions or benefits. Contributions are approved annually by the Treasury Board president.
Plan changes are negotiated by the PSHCP Partners Committee, which is comprised of bargaining agent, employer and pensioner representatives. Federal Retirees serves as the pensioner representative on the PSHCP Partners Committee.
Next steps
Transition working groups will focus on a seamless transition from the current contract to the new one, and the pensioner representative on the PSHCP Partners Committee will ensure retired plan member interests are addressed during the transition in providers.
PSHCP members will be updated on the transition progress regularly and will be asked to take simple steps to ensure their contact information is up to date so that coverage is seamless when the new contract starts.
More information is available from the Treasury Board Secretariat.