For immediate release
Representatives from nine organizations, representing more than 2 million seniors and their families, are meeting with Members of Parliament in Ottawa today to highlight key issues for their members – the need to implement a national seniors strategy, make retirement income more secure and prioritize pharmacare.
The following nine organizations have partnered under the Vibrant Voices Network banner for this advocacy day on Parliament Hill:
- Canadian Association of Retired Teachers (ACER-CART)
- Canadian Federation of Pensioners
- Canadian Health Coalition
- College and University Retirees Associations of Canada (CURAC)
- International Longevity Centre Canada
- National Association of Federal Retirees (Federal Retirees)
- National Pensioners Federation
- Retired Teachers of Ontario (RTO/ERO)
“We’re here in Ottawa today to let Members of Parliament know that Canada needs a National Seniors Strategy – one that optimizes health, financial security and social inclusion, so all Canadians can age with dignity,” says Jean-Guy Soulière, president of the Federal Retirees.
“On behalf of our collective membership of 2 million seniors, we’re speaking to our elected officials today to tell them that Canadians deserve a secure and dignified retirement, with a guaranteed and sufficient source of income,” explains Gerry Tiede, vice-president of ACER-CART.
“We are here to represent the vibrant voices of our active, engaged members on issues of importance to all Canadians,” says Martha Foster, chair of the RTO/ERO. “All Canadians should have access to a universal, public, comprehensive, accessible and portable national pharmacare program, which would cut costs and lead to a healthier population.”
Delegates from the Vibrant Voices network, who come from across Canada, have more than 20 meetings scheduled with MPs throughout the day. They will also be attending Question Period, where the group will be recognized by Minister of Seniors Filomena Tassi.
Media contact:
Andrew McGillivary
Director, Communications & Marketing
National Association of Federal Retirees
613-745-2559 ext. 234
Sylvia Link
Director of Marketing & Communications
Retired Teachers of Ontario/les enseignantes et enseignants retraités de l'Ontario