Ontario’s political parties: What’s on the table

February 19, 2025
Ontario Legislative Building at Queen's Park.
Ontario's snap winter election is set for Feb. 27. Here’s how the four major parties compare on our advocacy priorities, including health care and housing.

Below you’ll find information from each political party based on their platforms, announcements and statements as they relate to our key advocacy issues. We’ll update this information throughout the remainder of the campaign with new and relevant information — so keep checking the Ontario Votes 2025 page

Download Federal Retirees’ Ontario Election Toolkit for our questions and ideal answers from candidates on our key advocacy issues.  

The political parties and their platforms are listed alphabetically.

Health care
Economic security

Health care

Here’s what the parties are promising on health care: 

Green Party of Ontario (GPO)
New Democratic Party of Ontario (NDP)
Ontario Liberal Party (OLP)
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PC)

Green Party of Ontario (GPO)

  • Cover all mental health and addiction treatment costs under OHIP.
  • Increase funding for community mental health services and increase pay for mental health support workers.
  • Mandate that nurses and personal support workers are paid appropriately across workplaces and for their travel time between visits.
  • Increase funding for our community health sector to address the staffing crisis and to ensure timely, safe and quality care.
  • Build 48,000 non-profit long-term care spaces by 2029 to meet growing demand.
  • Phase out for-profit health care.
  • Create more Indigenous-led, rural and remote long-term care homes in their communities and allocate a portion of the new beds to these homes.
  • Prioritize and enhance capital support for the expansion of not-for-profit long-term care.
  • Increase supports for people who care for loved ones who are ill or elderly.
  • Legislate staffing in long-term care facilities to include a minimum of one nurse practitioner for every 120 residents and a staff composition that includes a minimum of 20 per cent registered nurses and 25 per cent registered practical nurses, and an additional 55 per cent personal support workers.
  • Increase long-term care resident access to allied health professionals, such as dieticians, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and social workers.
  • Mandate continued professional development for staff on geriatric care, culturally sensitive care practices for caring for residents with dementia and palliative and end-of-life care.
  • Prioritize healthy, quality local food as an important component of long-term care resident well-being.  
  • Ensure the right of long-term care residents to have accommodations made for themselves and their spouse or life partner so they can continue to live together in long-term care.
  • Remove rules that force residents into long-term care homes far away from their communities and families to avoid financial penalties.
  • Increase random inspections of long-term care homes and ensure homes with infractions face the legislated consequences.  
  • Better integrate long-term care, home care and caregiver services within the health-care system to properly provide for the complex needs of residents.
  • Repeal laws that prohibit or create barriers to cohousing and co-living.
  • Support local communities to enable the development of Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities with planning and project funding through an Age-Friendly Communities grant program. 

Source: Ontario Greens. Our Plan for Fairness. https://files.ontariogreens.ca/platform/gpo-platform-en.pdf.

New Democratic Party of Ontario (NDP) 

  • Establish a safe nurse-to-patient staffing ratio.
  • Scale up the nursing workforce by hiring at least 15,000 nurses over the next three years.
  • End the reliance on private, for-profit nursing agencies.
  • Recruit and support 3,500 new doctors.
  • Expand health care in Northern Ontario by hiring 350 doctors, including 200 family physicians and 150 specialists.
  • Establish a Northern Command Centre to manage health-care capacity across Northern Ontario.
  • Cut red tape to ensure doctors have less paperwork and can spend more time with patients.
  • Make it easier for foreign-trained doctors to practise in Ontario.
  • Increase residency spots in the province. 

Source: More nurses and better care
Source: Marit Stiles and the Ontario NDP are on your side with family doctors for all

Ontario Liberal Party (OLP) 

  • Connect everyone in the province with a family doctor within four years of the election.
  • Improve the Ontario Health Team network, using it to expand access to family doctors.
  • Modernize family medicine — eliminating the use of fax machines and making appointments available on evenings and weekends.
  • Hire 3,100 new doctors.
  • Double doctor residency spaces.
  • Help foreign-trained doctors get accredited to practise in Ontario faster.
  • Invest in infrastructure, including hospital repairs and expansions.
  • Pay all nurses and personal support workers a living wage to retain them in the public health-care system.
  • Offer a financial bonus to all Canadian nurses and doctors practising in the United States to return and work in Ontario.
  • Ensure wage parity across the health-care system, so workers in hospitals, in-home care and long-term care are all paid the same. 

Source: Ontario’s Liberals’ Plan to End Hallway Healthcare

Source: Guarantee a Family Doctor for Everyone in Ontario.

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PC) 

  • Connect everyone in the province with a primary care practitioner based on their postal code.

Source: Ford government announces funding for primary care plan on eve of election call

Economic security

The political parties and their platforms are listed alphabetically. Here’s what the parties are promising on economic security: 

Green Party of Ontario (GPO) 
New Democratic Party of Ontario (NDP) 
Ontario Liberal Party (OLP) 
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PC)  

Green Party of Ontario (GPO) 

  • Cut tax for low- and middle-income earners.
  • Introduce anti-gouging laws to stop corporations from gouging people on their grocery bills.
  • Provide free heat pumps for households with incomes under $100,000.
  • Remove HST on heat pumps, heat pump hot water heating, solar panels, EV chargers and energy retrofits.
  • Expand GO transit service for an affordable and reliable transit option.
  • Establish a clean, affordable, intercity electric bus service to connect communities. 

Source: Ontario Greens. Our Plan for Fairness.

New Democratic Party of Ontario (NDP) 

  • Double the Ontario Disability Support Program.
  • Provide a recurring Monthly Grocery Rebate.
  • Require big grocery retailers to publicly post when they raise prices more than two per cent in a week.

Source: NDP Plan for Southwest Ontario and Niagara
Source: Sign: I support doubling ODSP and OW

Ontario Liberal Party (OLP) 

  • Double the Ontario Disability Support Program and index it to inflation.
  • Cut the income tax rate for the middle class.
  • Eliminate the HST on home heating and hydro bills. 

Source: Bonnie Crombie’s Promise to Double ODSP
Source: More For You Tax Cut.

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PC) 

  • Build GO Transit 2.0 to provide increased transportation options.
  • Cut the provincial tax on gas by 5.7 cents per litre and on diesel by 5.3 cents.
  • Ban the use of congestion pricing on all provincial and municipal roadways.

Source: GO 2.0


The political parties and their platforms are listed alphabetically. Here’s what the parties are promising on housing: 

Green Party of Ontario (GPO)
New Democratic Party of Ontario (NDP) 
Ontario Liberal Party (OLP) 
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PC)  

Green Party of Ontario (GPO) 

  • Build two million homes over the next 10 years.
  • Allow new fourplex units across Ontario and six-plex units in larger cities.
  • Allow six- to 11-storey buildings on transit corridors and main streets.
  • Remove development charges on new homes that are 2,000 square feet or smaller.
  • Remove the land transfer tax for first-time buyers.  
  • Instantly create thousands of additional seniors supportive housing units by adding health-care and social services supports into existing non-profit seniors housing buildings. 

Source: Ontario Greens. Our Plan for Fairness.

New Democratic Party of Ontario (NDP) 

  • Accelerate infrastructure projects, including homebuilding.
  • Introduce rent control.
  • Crack down on renovictions, demovictions and other ways landlords get rid of their tenants.
  • Legalize more fourplexes and four-story multiplex apartments in all neighbourhoods.
  • Limit short-term rentals to one’s primary residence to protect the rental supply.
  • Build or permanently acquire at least 300,000 affordable rental homes in non-profit and co-op housing.
  • Build 1.5 million new homes in 10 years. 

Source: An NDP government on your side will support renters
Source: NDP: Our Commitments.

Ontario Liberal Party (OLP) 

  • Eliminate the provincial land transfer tax for first-time homebuyers and non-profit homebuilders.
  • Scrap development charges on new middle-class housing.
  • Introduce a phased-in rent control program.
  • Resolve Landlord and Tenant Board disputes within two months.
  • Establish a Rental Emergency Support for Tenants (REST) Fund to help renters avoid eviction during financial emergencies. 

Source: Make Housing More Affordable.

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PC) 

  • Add $2 billion to a fund to pay for water and wastewater near new housing projects in Ontario municipalities.

Source: Promises made on key issues in the 2025 Ontario election

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