Federal Retirees and the federal public service unions want to make sure Treasury Board gets the message – PSHCP renewal is long overdue.
Improvements to the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) is a top priority for the National Association of Federal Retirees. Federal Retirees has joined with the federal public service unions to urge the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) to commence formal discussions to renew and update the PSHCP immediately.
An update of the Plan is long overdue. TBS and all the partner organizations that represent employees and pensioners signed a Memorandum of Understanding committing to a renewal of the plan by Mar. 31, 2019.
We are well past this deadline, but there has been little movement by TBS toward a renewed plan.
The PSHCP has not had a comprehensive review since 2006 and the Plan needs updates to reflect advances in health care and the cost of services.
“The research has been done, and members have told us their priorities, including updates to vision care and paramedical services,” said Association president Jean-Guy Soulière. “Federal Retirees is ready to get started to negotiate a plan that meets pensioners’ needs.”
Any further delays are a disservice to pensioner Plan members who rely on Federal Retirees to ensure the health and well-being of Plan participants and provide stable, comprehensive and sustainable benefits.
The federal public service unions have told TBS they are prepared to commence legal proceedings to bring the government to the table, should there be further delays. Federal Retirees supports the federal public service unions in this action. Soulière outlines the Federal Retirees’ stance in a letter to TBS.
Federal Retirees expects the government to take the necessary steps to begin renewal discussions immediately.
Contact pshcp@federalretirees.ca with any questions or concerns.