If you have a question about the PSHCP but feel unsure about the next step to take, Federal Retirees has created a handy contact list.
If you have questions about your Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) coverage or about your claims, be sure to contact the PSHCP team directly. Federal Retirees has compiled all the information, phone numbers and addresses you need to know.
Canada Life
Canada Life is the administrator the PSHCP. If you have questions about your supplementary coverage or claims, the following information will help you get in touch with Canada Life.
Public Service Health Care Plan Member Service Contact Centre:
North America: 1-855-415-4414 (toll-free), Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm, your local time.
International: 1-431-489-4064
Canadian Residents outside of Quebec: Winnipeg Benefits Payments, P.O. Box 99451 Station Main, Winnipeg MB R3C 3C7
Quebec Residents: Montreal Benefits Payments, Place Bonaventure, 800 de la Gauchetière Street W, Suite 5800, Montreal, QC, H5A 1B9
Veterans Affairs Client Group: Canada Life, BAS DG 1227, P.O. Box 6000 Station Main, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 3A5
PSHCP plan members Outside of Canada: MSH International, P.O. Box #4903 STN A, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5W 0B1
MSH International
If you require assistance while traveling outside of Canada, always contact MSH International directly. MSH International processes comprehensive coverage claims and out-of-province, out-of-country emergency benefits claims for members with supplementary coverage.
From Canada or the United States: 1-833-774-2700 (toll-free)
Outside of Canada and the United States: 1-365-337-7427 (call collect)
Public Service Health Care Plan Administration Authority
Member appeals and inquiries that cannot be resolved with Canada Life can be sent to the federal Public Service Health Care Plan Administration Authority.
Information about the PSHCP appeal process can be found on the PSHCP Administration Authority website.
Appeal must be submitted in writing to the following address:
Federal PSHCP Administration Authority
Box 2245, Station D
Ottawa, ON K1P 5W4