With RCMP150 on the horizon, find out how you can get involved.
Nearly 150 years ago, Parliament passed an act that allowed for the creation of the North-West Mounted Police (NWMP) on May 23, 1873, which would go on to become the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
The RCMP is Canada’s federal police force with international, national, provincial/territorial and municipal policing mandates. Often called Mounties, members of the RCMP work to prevent crime, enforce federal law and promote safety, peace and security in Canada and abroad.
Between the National Association of Federal Retirees marking its 60th anniversary this year and the RCMP’s 150th, there’s plenty to celebrate in 2023!
Raise awareness
From the beloved musical ride to the iconic Red Serge, the image of the Mountie has become a world-renowned symbol of Canada and Canadians. Yet, while some things have changed in the last 150 years — Mounties don’t police on horseback, for instance — others have stayed the same. RCMP officers remain devoted to the safety and security of their fellow citizens and are willing to risk their lives to protect them.
Veterans of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Armed Forces have bravely served Canadians and deserve our support. Veteran well-being is one of Federal Retirees’ four key advocacy priorities. If you haven’t yet, please take some time to familiarize yourself with the Association’s advocacy recommendations for veteran well-being and with Reach 338, an impactful volunteer advocacy network bringing Federal Retirees’ priorities forward to governments from coast to coast.
Not only is the RCMP celebrating its 150th anniversary, but the police force has also released Vision150 and Beyond, a modernization roadmap to build a healthier, more modern, trusted and inclusive RCMP.
On Dec. 2, 2020, former Supreme Court of Canada justice Michel Bastarache released his final report on the implementation of the Merlo Davidson settlement agreement. The report, Broken Dreams, Broken Lives, highlights the seriousness of persistent harassment and gender-based discrimination in the RCMP. As part of RCMP150, the RCMP has expressed its desire not only to celebrate its rich history and accomplishments but also to take advantage of the opportunity to drive positive change.
To learn more about change at the RCMP, refer to the Vision150 and Beyond roadmap and the RCMP modernization landing page.
Join the conversation
Current and former members of the RCMP have placed themselves in harm’s way to protect Canada and Canadians, and they deserve our recognition, respect and gratitude for their sacrifices. Celebrate the achievements and honour the sacrifices of Canada’s federal police service by sharing their stories.
You can get the conversation started online by sharing our sample posts within your networks. On that note, don’t forget to like and share Federal Retirees’ posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram or participate with the hashtag #RCMP150. The RCMP also has a robust social media presence, so take a peek at their feeds to keep informed about this year’s RCMP150 activities.
Sample posts
- The RCMP is celebrating a historic milestone in 2023! Thank you for 150 years of serving Canada.
- To our RCMP officers, veterans and their families, thank you for answering the call to serve and making Canada and the world a better place to live.
- Did you know that the National Association of Federal Retirees has a large RCMP community? Our membership includes 13,000 retired Mounties and their families!
- The RCMP has grown from a 300-person corps to a world-renowned organization of 30,000. Thank you for 150 years!
Learn and share
The RCMP has made a multitude of resources available to those who would like to celebrate RCMP150 or learn more about its current projects and historical achievements. Visit the RCMP online to connect with educational and historical resources covering everything from the history of the musical ride to genealogy and archival research.
There are also dozens of RCMP150 events and gatherings planned during 2023. Visit the RCMP calendar of upcoming events to learn more about online events and digital activities you and your members can participate in.