Every year, November 5 to 11 is Veterans’ Week, an opportunity for Canadians to honour the extraordinary efforts and sacrifices of our veterans. Remembrance Day, November 11, marks the final day of Veterans’ Week and recalls the end of hostilities during the First World War on that date in 1918. At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, Canadians gather wherever they are and observe a moment of silence to remember those who have fallen in the line of duty and to recognize their service to our country.
This year the Government of Canada is observing the 75th anniversary of the Second World War’s Italian Campaign, an important contribution to the Allied war effort in which more than 93,000 Canadians served.
Our advocacy work
In advance of the 2019 federal election, we prepared a campaign focused on four key priorities including support for veterans and their families. We asked, and will continue to ask, the government to ensure that veterans and their loved ones have the well-being, care and benefits they deserve. In particular, we are seeking:
- simplified veterans’ support programs and easy access to them
- improved access to information and resources through effective communication and collaboration among national service providers, non-profit and community-based organizations
- equitable care and benefits for all veterans, including support that recognizes the unique challenges faced by women in the military
For more information, please review our position paper and be sure to visit our advocacy news feed for the latest updates.
Spread the word
We owe it to our veterans to speak about them, to share their stories, to honour their sacrifices and to keep their memories alive.
We hope you’ll participate in Veterans’ Week on social media by liking and sharing our posts on Facebook and Twitter, following the Canada Remembers feed on Facebook or joining the conversation on Twitter with the hashtag #CanadaRemembers.
If you have young family – children or grandchildren – don’t miss this opportunity to introduce them to the concept of remembrance and promote active learning. Veterans Affairs Canada offers a collection of free learning resources for all age ranges such as the Take Time to Remember activity book.
Participate in local events and ceremonies
In the lead-up to Veterans’ Week and Remembrance Day, Canadians across the country organize events and ceremonies to teach others about Canadian military history, promote remembrance, raise awareness of veterans’ issues and honour their sacrifices.
Visit the Veterans Affairs Canada calendar of upcoming events to learn more about activities in your area.