Tell your BC election candidates to set improved health care for older adults as a top priority using Federal Retirees’ online tools.
On Sept. 21, 2020, a snap election was called in British Columbia to take place on Oct. 24, 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Federal Retirees is focusing efforts on making the biggest impact—and that means that you, our members, can take action by sharing our message. (All while respecting physical distancing and public health advice, of course!)
Send a letter to the editor now.
Federal Retirees needs your help to get the word out on the issues that are important to older adults and British Columbians generally, especially as they relate to health care and social isolation. Here are a few tools to help you do just that.
Key priorities
We’ve created a short document, “Seniors Strategy for BC: A continuum of health care from home care to long-term care,” to quickly and clearly outline Federal Retirees’ key priorities for health care in British Columbia, along with questions you can ask candidates.
Federal Retirees has identified four main priorities to bring forward while engaging with all governments, political parties and candidates:
- Retirement income security
- Veteran well-being
- Pharmacare
- National seniors strategy, particularly home care and long-term care
Download your copy of “Seniors Strategy for BC: a continuum of health care from home care to long-term care.”
Letter to the editor
We’ve also put together a letter to the editor tool, which you can find at the end of this post. Chances are you have a good understanding of local media outlets in your city or town—the papers and websites that are most popular or most likely to publish letters to the editor. These letters are a great way to highlight our concerns with the public and generate discussions about important election issues.
You may customize the letter to make additions of your own (keeping it respectful, factual and concise). You may also copy the text, paste it into a document on your computer and submit it electronically to your local newspaper by email or through newspaper webpages.
Even with this snap election, we can have an impact by working together to get the word out on these important issues!