The PDSP is intended to provide coverage to eligible pensions for dental services and supplies not covered under a provincial or territorial health or dental care plan.
The Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan (PDSP) is a voluntary dental plan established by the federal government in 2001. It provides dental coverage to eligible federal pensioners and their family members who qualify, including survivors. Access the client sign-in page, as well as information about PDSP coverage, by visiting the PDSP member services website.
Remember, the PDSP is voluntary, so you need to be enrolled to have access to these benefits. If you are planning to retire soon, contact the Government of Canada Pension Centre for the PDSP form. If you are already retired or have become entitled to a survivor pension, contact your pension office to enrol.
Where can I go for more detailed information about the PDSP?
All the terms and conditions of the plan are set out in the PDSP Plan Rules. However, the PDSP member booklet is a handy reference tool that summarizes the plan in a way that many find easier to read. If you’re looking to learn more about enrolment, be sure to check out the PDSP enrolment information and plan summary.
The employee dental plans have seen coverage improvements. When will PDSP coverage be improved?
In 2018, following lengthy negotiations and an arbitration process, some federal employees won enhancements to their plan, including an increase to the annual maximum for routine and major services and coverage for dental implants. The results of this arbitration did not apply to the PDSP – even though the PDSP’s coverage has not been improved since its inception more than 20 years ago. Good dental health is an important element of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Federal Retirees understands the PDSP requires improvements. While the PDSP is not a negotiated plan, the Association is turning its attention to ensuring the PDSP continues to meet retirees’ needs.
I heard the plan administrator is changing from Sun Life to Canada Life.
On July 1, 2024, the PDSP administration will change from Sun Life to Canada Life. More information will be available as the transition date approaches.
What are the PDSP contribution rates?
PDSP costs are currently shared between the Government of Canada and plan members on a 50:50 cost sharing basis. Up-to-date contribution rates can be found by visiting the Government of Canada online.