If you look closely at the retired member newsletter published this month by the Government of Canada, you will see a 200-word article under the heading “Join the National Association of Federal Retirees”. It took a long time and some doing to get this visibility for our association with the more than 300,000 retired federal public servants who receive it. The newsletter is available online, in hard copy through the mail or by subscribing to the electronic version with e-Post.
“This is a very significant step and an acknowledgement of our very positive role by the government,” says national president Jean-Guy Soulière. “It is a result of constant, positive, non-partisan advocacy and our very important contributions to the Public Service Pension Advisory Committee, PSHCP Partners Committee, Pensioners Dental Services Plan Committee and other committees and activities in which we participate. We should be proud of this, but it is only one of the steps in our recruitment efforts.”
If you missed the article, check it out here.