Join us in making sure health care and older adult care are top priorities in the 2020 New Brunswick election!
On August 17, 2020, a general election was called in New Brunswick and will take place on September 14, 2020. With this quick election, Federal Retirees is focusing our efforts to make the biggest impact – and that means getting our members involved in sharing our message!
We need your help to get the word out on the issues that are important to older adults and New Brunswickers generally, especially as it relates to health care and older adult care. So, we’ve prepared a few tools to help you do just that.
Health and older adult care brief
The first tool is a short document outlining Federal Retirees’ key priorities for health and older adult care in New Brunswick.The document also lists some questions you can ask candidates about health and older adult care.
Access the New Brunswick election 2020 health and older adult care issues brief.
Member insights on health and older adult care brief
The second tool is a brief that provides a summary of member views on health and older adult care, gathered through the New Brunswick health-care survey we conducted earlier this year as well as the national long-term care, home care and caregiving survey we completed in early August. This brief can be shared with candidates as part of your outreach to them or after speaking with them.
Access the member insights on health and older adult care brief.