Orchard Valley Branch

Welcome to the Orchard Valley Branch of the National Association of Federal Retirees. 

Membership in our branch is assigned automatically and is based upon the Postal Code at your residence however, branch membership is voluntary and you can request transfer to another branch at any time. 

We have a volunteer board of directors who help guide our work, keep our members informed and respond to local and national issues, advocacy priorities and other concerns. Ideally, this Board is made up of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Health Benefits Officer, Advocacy Liaison, Branch Editor, Secretary, Program Coordinator and up to six Directors At Large. The previous president often acts in an advisory role as Past President but is only a voting member of the board if elected as a Director.

Orchard Valley Branch notifications of meetings, events and campaigns will come to you via our bi-annual Branch Report inserts in Sage magazine and occasional Orchard Valley E-blast emails via the National office. These inserts and E-blasts will also identify any businesses and service providers who have become local preferred partners where you, as a branch member, can receive discounts on local products and services. This information can also be found here, often before you receive it via Sage or E-blast email.

In addition to our regular events, from time to time you'll find information here on Association advocacy campaigns as well as other national events.

We invite you to take a few minutes and explorer our branch profile, and to learn more about our advocacy priorities. And please be sure to like Federal Retirees on Facebook.

And finally, we will update our site regularly, so check back often for the latest news and coming events.


Tony Berger,
President, Orchard Valley Branch

Orchard Valley Branch (NS79)

PO Box 815 STN Main
Kentville, NS
B4N 4H8


Branch Events