Volunteer Opportunities

Directors At Large - There currently are two open Director At large positions on our Board Of Directors. Directors At Large do not have specific roles or responsibilities but are able to assist Directors in the performance of their roles and, with the support of the Branch President and Board Of Directors, are able to undertake specific projects of interest to them that fall within the scope of the Association. Director At Large positions can also be excellent learning opportunities for any member who may be interested in taking on various roles within the Branch, District, Region and National Association in the future.

Volunteers - Opportunities to assist in various National, District, Regional and Branch activities can arise at any time. If you would be interested in assisting with organizing, and/or participating in, one time events, please contact our membership secretary, Ken Chaddock, at chaddock@eastlink.ca. who is creating a roster of potential volunteers.

NOTE: Please use the term “Orchard Valley Volunteers” in the subject line of your email to avoid being sent to the Spam or Junk files.

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