National Association of Federal Retirees
Calgary and District Branch
Title: Branch Director
Role: As a member of the branch board, you will help assist in managing and supervising the affairs of the branch.
The branch director is responsible for the following:
- Actively participating in their assigned portfolio as determined by the branch board.
- Preparing a written report on the portfolio’s activities and providing this report to the Secretary for inclusion with the meeting agenda.
- Willingness to serve on committees.
General Expectations:
- Respects and follows all Association by-laws, regulations, and directives, including the code of conduct and branch by-laws.
- Attend all board meetings, assigned committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting
- Attending these meetings fully prepared in advance to facilitate the efficient running of the meetings
- Commitment to the work of the organization.
- Willingness to serve on committees.
- Support of special events.
Skills and Competencies:
- Strong leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills
- Basic computer skills - a working knowledge of email, Word, Excel, and Zoom platform
- Ability to work independently or with a team
- Knowledge and skills in one or more areas of Board governance: policy, finance, programs, human resources, and advocacy