Membership Report

The National Association of Federal Retirees is encouraging all single members who have a spouse who is a non-member to consider moving to a double membership. When we work with pension boards, health care organizations and government in an advocacy roll, any increase in our membership numbers greatly enhances our effectiveness. Also increased numbers in our local branch gives us more votes at the national decision making level.

As an alternative to paying dues by cheque, we strongly urge you to consider having your dues deducted at source (DDS).  

We have been wondering how to connect with members in our branch's outlying area. The distance involved to travel to meetings in Red Deer may make it difficult to attend. The executive has discussed traveling to information exchange meetings to hear your thoughts and concerns and let you know what is happening in Central Alberta. If you are interested in having us do this, please contact one of the executive to arrange.

The Red Deer Branch has a membership of approximately 1072 members.  Please remember to notify us if your contact information changes such as:  Address, Phone Number, Email address

We can be reached by phone at (587) 877-1110 OR email to: 

It is important that we keep our database up-to-date.  Thank you!