It is a sunny and warm day here in Red Deer as I sit down to finish my president’s report for the summer issue of Sage. A nice change of weather however the forecast indicates that we are in for more snow and cooler temperatures next week. By the time you read this, summer will be just around the corner. I am looking forward to hitting the local trails on my bike! Although we did not meet in January 2024, the Red Deer Branch board meetings for the first part of the year were held as follows:
- Feb. 15,2024: via Zoom
- March 21, 2024: Sierra of Taylor Condo Complex
- April 20, 2024: Annual meeting of members (AMM), Baymont Hotel, Red Deer
- May 25, 2024: Sierra of Taylor Condo Complex
The first task of 2024 for the branch board was the development of an activities schedule which is helping us to be better prepared for upcoming events and meeting deadlines. We also reviewed the Red Deer Branch bylaws and the revised document was an Agenda Item at the 2024 Annual Meeting of Members (AMM). The bylaws will be posted to our webpage on the national site by time you receive your Sage summer issue.
Speaking of our website, we are steadily making progress with adding information and uploading documents. Thanks to national staff for assistance in this process. If there are things you would like to see posted on our webpage, please send us an email at the address shown in the last paragraph.
One area that we would like to develop further is “In Memoriam”. If you would like to honor those members or spouses/partners of members who have passed away, please forward the information to our email shown below.
At the March board meeting of Red Deer Branch, a decision was made to reduce the size of our board from 11 Directors to five for three primary reasons:
- With the exception of myself and the vice president who are in the second year of a three year term, and a director appointed to the board in 2023, the remaining board members have served in various capacities on the board for over 14 years. They have volunteered many hours to the Red Deer Branch and they deserve a break. We are also not following our own bylaws which state that board members may serve two consecutive three year terms followed by a one year break. Unfortunately, there was no option in most years as no replacements could be found to serve on the Red Deer Branch board.
- Two nominations were received for the positions of secretary and treasurer which was a welcome relief for LaReata Workman and Darlene Neis who have served in these roles for a very long time. Please check our webpage in early May 2024 to find out the results of the AMM election.
- It is hoped that having a smaller board will help us to be more productive. Some current Red Deer Branch members have expressed an interest in working on a branch committee or a project but they do not want to be a branch board member. It is the board’s desire to have an advocacy committee and a membership committee for recruiting new members and planning events for the branch. We anticipate establishing these committees in the fall of 2024. Please email me if you are interested in being part of these committees.
Here are the scheduled events for the next few months
- May 1, 2024: Seniors Expo, Red Deer Curling Club
Please drop by and bring prospective members so they can learn about the many benefits of membership. Last year’s event was quite successful with approximately 4000 people attending the event and lots of them dropped by our booth. It was a great way to “fly the flag” and to recruit new members for the Red Deer Branch. Several past members who had left the Association during the pandemic, indicated they would be renewing their membership. We spoke to several federal public servants who were unaware of Federal Retirees. Many ballots were completed for the door prizes; window cleaning (donated by a local business); and several gift cards. We will update you on this year’s event in the next Sage issue.
- May 13 to 16, 2024: PNWT District Meeting, Saskatoon
A busy Agenda for District Presidents and observers was received for the Spring Meeting.
- June 9 to 15, 2024: National Public Service Week, Red Deer
The Red Deer Branch will be hosting an event during this week for Federal Retirees members in our area. Eblasts will be sent out in mid May with more details of when and where. The event will also be posted on our webpage.
- June 18 to 21, 2024: National AMM, Hilton Lac Lemay, Gatineau
I am looking forward to hearing more about the Association’s new strategic plan for the next three years. It is great to interact with other branch presidents and learn from each other.
Please note that we take a break for July and August 2024 but our email is regularly checked.
In closing, I would like to sincerely thank the directors who served the Red Deer Branch for their volunteer contributions to the branch board for such a long time. It was great working with each of you. Your constant support and guidance was most appreciated.
Tammy Waugh
President, Red Deer Branch AB19