In this section, we would like to share with you some reference documentation and information. We will continue to feature new material & references -- stay posted.
Published Article: An Age-Friendly Goal
One of our Board members, Cynthia Foreman, has recommended the reading of this article "An Age-Friendly Goal" written by Connie Newman and published in the Winnipeg Free Press on 7 November 2023. Read the article.
Canada Life
Canada Life now administrates the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) on behalf of the Government of Canada.
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada still continue to administrate the Pensioners' Dental Services Plan (PDSP) on behalf of the Government of Canada.
Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP Documentation -- Medical)
Following our General Meeting of September 2016, members were requesting the latest documentation prepared by PSHCP -- as the latest updates were no longer mailed to the members. The PSHCP website is accessible through:
Three series of PSHCP documentation are recommended for your viewing:
1) PSHCP Plan Directive Document ( version française ) --Additional Directive Changes (français)
2) PSHCP Booklet ( version française )
3) PSCHP Bulletins: see detailed summaries for all bulletins
(Note: The list of Bulletins will be updated soon.)
Pensioners' Dental Services Plan (PDSP Information - Dental)
To continue serving our members, we have decided to provide you with a quick reference to the PDSP information as the updates are no longer mailed to the members. The PDSP website is accessible through:
Three series of PDSP documentation are recommended for your viewing:
1) PDSP Booklet - January 2015 (version française)
2) PDSP Rules - July 2015 (version française)
3) PDSP Communiqués:
(Note: The list of Communiqués will be updated soon.)
Individual and Branch Awards
In two consecutive years, our branch was selected by the national office to receive an individual award (Pat Jarrett) in 2017 and branch awards (Winnipeg & District) in 2017 and 2018. We invite you to read various articles published about those awards:
2017 First Award: Individual category -- "Claude Edwards Leadership Award" received by Pat Jarrett (click here).
2017 Second Award: Branch category -- "Volunteer Support and Development Award" received by our branch (click here).
2018 First Award: Branch category -- "Advocacy Award" received by our Branch (click here).
2018 Second Award: Branch category -- "Volunteer Support and Development Award" received by our branch (click here).
2018 Third Award: Branch category -- "Branch Excellence Award" received by our Branch (click here).