PSHCP members can ensure a smooth transition from Sun Life to Canada Life by completing positive enrolment as soon as possible.
The contract to administer the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) has been awarded to the Canada Life Assurance Company (Canada Life) and will come into effect on July 1, 2023.
Plan members can support a smooth transition from Sun Life to Canada Life by completing a few tasks ahead of the changeover. One of those tasks is completing positive enrolment.
Since April, PSHCP members have been receiving positive enrolment invitations from Canada Life by email and regular mail, depending on their communication preference.
It’s essential for all plan members to ensure they have followed Canada Life’s instructions and completed positive enrolment with them. If plan members do not complete positive enrolment, Canada Life will be unable to process eligible claims starting July 1, 2023.
Positive enrolment means providing information about you and your dependents to Canada Life. This helps ensure your information with Canada Life is correct, so Canada Life can process and reimburse your eligible claims promptly.
You’ll be asked to provide personal information and banking information to enable direct deposit as well as information about your dependents and coordination of benefits (if applicable). You’ll also be asked to provide consent for the use of personal information by Canada Life.
Members who have indicated that they prefer digital communications have received or will receive an email with a unique link to complete positive enrolment on Canada Life’s website. The link is active for 30 days, after which time Canada Life will send another email with a new link. Once you have completed positive enrolment, you must create an account on the Canada Life PSHCP Member Services website to access your personal information, electronic PSHCP benefit card, and to submit electronic claims after July 1, 2023.
Members who opted for paper-based communications will receive a mailed package with an enrolment form and instructions, as well as a postage-paid return envelope. The completed form must be mailed to Canada Life to complete enrolment. Once Canada Life has processed your enrolment, members who prefer paper-based communications will receive a paper PSHCP benefit card.
If you have questions, encounter difficulties during positive enrolment or if you have not received either an electronic or a paper-based package, contact Canada Life as soon as possible at 1-855-415-4414. This call centre will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day, member’s local time.
All members must complete their positive enrolment by the date indicated by Canada Life, or before June 30, 2023, at the latest. Otherwise, claims will not be processed by Canada Life starting July 1, 2023.