Thunder Bay & Area branch director Judith Monteith-Farrell (left) and branch president Lisa Lovis (right) took advantage of a recent opportunity to connect with New Democratic Party Leader Jagmeet Singh.
Thunder Bay branch director Judith Monteith-Farrell and branch president Lisa Lovis maximized an impromptu meet and greet one evening with New Democratic Party (NDP) leader Jagmeet Singh.
“We had an opportunity to discuss the priorities of our Association and provide Singh an overview of our demographic area and number of members with the Thunder Bay & Area Branch," reports Lovis.
"We also provided him with a copy of Sage magazine, Federal Retirees’ 2024 budget brief and our advocacy pamphlet,” adds Monteith-Farrell.
Singh was in Thunder Bay for a variety of reasons, including an informal meet and greet BBQ. Monteith-Farrell saw this as a great opportunity to say hello and speak with MP Singh about Federal Retirees priorities. Planning to attend herself, she invited Lovis to join her at the event.
“Judith has been an enormous asset to our branch in her ongoing outreach to all of the parties within our area,” says Lovis.
“It is gratifying to see the efforts branches are making on behalf of Federal Retirees,” says Linda MacDonald, Ontario North advocacy program officer (APO).
This is a wonderful example of volunteers finding every opportunity to get in front of MPs and ensure members’ voices are heard on an ongoing basis.
About Advocacy Spotlight
Advocacy Spotlight showcases successful initiatives and projects put forward by our dedicated volunteers and supporters.
The National Association of Federal Retirees has a proud history of advocacy on behalf of our members and all retirees. In collaboration with our volunteers and supporters from coast-to-coast, we continue this tradition of strong, smart advocacy campaigns focused on improvements to the financial security, health and well-being of our members and all Canadians. Our success is not only measured in policy changes and legislation. It grows with every meaningful discussion with parliamentarians, and with every email and letter written. Together, we are achieving and surpassing our strategic advocacy goals and targets every day.