Volunteers at Quinte Branch’s first ever election activity in Belleville, Ont. From left to right: Bev Buchanan, chair CARP Greater Bay of Quinte Area Chapter 39; Pat Russell, treasurer & advocacy lead (Quinte Branch); Dianne Raniowski, membership/social (Quinte Branch). Photo credit: Louise Warr
During this fall’s election, the National Association of Federal Retirees ran a robust campaign to ensure our members’ four key priorities — retirement income security, a national seniors strategy, better well-being for veterans and their families, and pharmacare — were front and centre on the political agenda.
This campaign was our biggest and most exciting campaign to date! Throughout the summer and fall, our branches were hard at work promoting our 2019 election priorities and providing members and other seniors in their communities the opportunity interact with local candidates. Our team hosted nearly 65 events across Canada, with many branches hosting all-candidates forums for the first time. There were all-candidates meetings, barbecues, coffee parties and even a few buses — and all of this was possible thanks to our incredible team of hard-working, dedicated volunteers.
In the end, the election delivered a Liberal minority government, meaning we could be hitting the campaign trail again sooner rather than later. And we know that Federal Retirees will deliver for our members and older adults, from the House of Commons to the next campaign trail, with our capable, committed volunteers.
About Advocacy Spotlight
Advocacy Spotlight showcases successful initiatives and projects put forward by our dedicated volunteers and supporters.
The National Association of Federal Retirees has a proud 55-plus-year history of advocacy on behalf of our members and all retirees. In collaboration with our volunteers and supporters from coast-to-coast, we continue this tradition of strong, smart advocacy campaigns to protect against changes to our members’ hard-earned pensions and benefits, and to support good policy that improves the lives of all retired Canadians.
Our success is not only measured in policy changes and legislation, it grows with every hour of meaningful discussion with parliamentarians, and with every email and letter written. Together, we are achieving and surpassing our strategic advocacy goals and targets every day.