As mentioned in our president’s message, one of our most serious branch challenges is finding new volunteers to lead the branch. We are incredibly fortunate to have an experienced and dedicated team currently guiding our affairs. However, we need to start to plan for the future.
The timing is right to seek out members to fill all positions so we can start forming a new leadership team, and provide valuable training/mentoring for the new volunteers.
Please click here to see a list of our Executive and Board members web page showing our current Board members and vacant positions to be filled.
The Volunteer Recruitment and Engagement Director position is currently vacant. This is a very important position we would like to fill as soon as possible.
Thank you for considering volunteering for your branch. Again, if you are interested, please contact the branch for further information. Click here to see contact information at bottom of page. Your interest and participation can only serve to strengthen the branch, and the National Association of Federal Retirees going forward.