Congratulations to Diana Wright our Volunteer of the Year for 2018.
We sincerely appreciate her generosity and commitment to the betterment of our branch, and society.
Her volunteer record for the Bluewater Branch of the National Association of Federal Retirees includes the following rolls:
- Member of branch executive as treasurer for 12 years, 2004 to 2016
- Board of directors as a member at large, 2016 to present
- Telephone committee member, 2004 (probably earlier) to present.
For the first few years of "freedom from work" (retirement), Diana volunteered for the following organizations:
- Alzheimer's Society, North Lambton Lodge in Forest
- Family Councils (in long term care).
- She has been a Canadian Cancer volunteer for the last 25 years.
For the last few years, her passion for the arts has led her to volunteer with:
- Arts Council of East Lambton, in Watford
- Gallery in the Grove, in Bright’s Grove.
Diana believes in doing what you can, because you can.